Solving Puzzles with Amb
Recently I've solved a few classical problems using amb operator. The result turned out to be short, simple and declarative.
Breaking apart inheritable mattr_accessors in HTTParty
A weird magic feature I uncovered while debugging HTTParty
About Ruby Certification
A few months ago, I've decided to take the ruby cerfication. The following article is a summary of my experience.
Why on earth do fibers exist?
Are you ready for the truth?
Debugging Adventures: #1
I love debugging. You know, the one that makes you dig into the source code of a library or a language. When everything should work just fine, but it doesn't. Well it's a small story just about that.
Ruby Memory Profiling in Practice
A recent task at work inspired me to write a guide I was trying to find for a long time.
ActiveJob In Retrospect
ActiveJob has been around for almost 4 years now. But was it a good idea in the first place?
Generating pdf with wickedpdf in sidekiq
A long title for a short post
What protected actually does?
Being famillar with C-family languages, you may be surprised to know how protected works in Ruby